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Distraught Dream

2003-06-13 @ 8:45 a.m.

Ok, well, I woke this morning a little freaked out. I dreamed that Paul, Holleigh and I were all happy and together, then we were walking to somewhere, and I asked Paul where Holleigh was and what was wrong, and he said that Holleigh should be walking with me because Paul was stopping to look at something and Holleigh was to continue to walk with me, and I told him, she's not with me, I thought she was with you? And all of a sudden I hear Holleigh crying and screaming, and Paul and I frantically went looking for her, and we saw her with someone else that neither one of us knew and he was beating her up, kicking her and hitting her, Paul and I ran over there Paul went and started beating up on this guy, and I was checking to make sure Holleigh was ok...Paul beat the living piss out of this guy, which is good...because NO ONE should be hurting Holleigh. So, afterwards, we rushed Holleigh to the hospital and they had to keep her there for a few days, she was constantly crying and screaming in her sleep, and Paul and I didn't know what to do but to stay by her side the whole time. As the three of us stayed there together...Holleigh was happy seeing Paul and I together and asked us if we could be a family forever, Paul said that there is the possibility but, he and I would have to discuss that, and she said ok, and she told Paul, "Daddy, I love my Mia, I want us to keep Mia forever and I want you and Mia to be happy forever with each other" and when she said that you could see the tears in both his eyes and mine. And we told her to get some rest and Paul and I had a long talk and realized that the three of us do belong together forever...Holleigh was feeling better, Paul didn't get in trouble for beating this guy up, actually this guy was sent to jail for life...and then we were all in the park then my alarm went off.

So, needless to say, I was a bit freaked this morning. I miss Holleigh, and I miss Paul...but, never have I had such a dream that was so distraught...I wish that Paul would just let me know how both he and Holleigh are doing...**sigh**

Well, I need to get back to work, I just needed to get this off my chest...because whenever I dream of things, something happens a few days later...ugh...and this worries me horribly...

Have a good day everyone...

Blessed Be!

