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Let Life In

2004-10-27 @ 8:22 a.m.

When you are full of yourself, there is no room left for anything else. Let go of your concerns of self, and let in more of the goodness of life.
When your mind is filled with worries, those worries begin to come to life. Let go of the worries, and let in an awareness of the positive possibilities that surround you.

When your heart is filled with anger and resentment, there is no place left for love to dwell. Let go of the anger, and let in the joy of love.

Open your heart, open your mind, and open yourself to the positive possibilities of each moment. Let in the beauty, let in the joy, let in the richness of life.

Stop holding on to the disappointments of the past. Open yourself to the treasures of right now.

Let the moment be, and let life in. Blessed Be!

Much Love~

