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Today sucked...

2003-09-15 @ 4:58 p.m.

Today I pretty much kept to myself and buried myself in work. It was nice knowing that people weren't really bothering me today. Although, I did have a talk with Kevin this afternoon about how I'm doing work wise and he said he has no complaints that I'm doing a good job. He did mention that someone and he won't say who, but, I have a pretty good idea that I'm "bossy" in the way that I ask things. Granted, I can be snooty sometimes, but, I always do my best to ask things in a regular manner without sounding bossy. But, apparently, the person that said this I'm sure exagerated some because of the way he said that I say things, which I know I don't say things that way. But, then again, like I said, I'm sure that it was exagerated some. Oh well, fuck it, at least I know how to do my job. If no one likes me for who I am, oh fucking well. Yes, I'm a bit sarcastic about it right now, but, it will blow over. I'm just in a bitchy yet sad mood today.

I also mentioned to Kevin that I was looking at a position within the company in Montana, he sounded a little surprised about it. But, I told him that it probably won't be a while. I just don't know what to do with myself right now. Of course, I can't really think straight right now, haven't been for days. So, I'll sit on it a little bit longer.

Till later...

Blessed Be!!

