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Long & Painful!!!

2004-10-21 @ 12:45 p.m.

Yesterday was a LONG and PAINFUL day. Well for one it was just a long and busy day. Then I had to leave work at 2:00 for an appointment with the hand surgeon. They gave me a steroid shot to try and bring the feeling back into my two fingers, which isn�t doing the trick. And that shot HURT!!!

All I have to say is don�t get a steroid shot, not only does it hurt when they are injecting the nerve but it also leaves your whole arm sore. Also, this morning I discovered that it dried out my hair and my skin horribly and I just had the munchies galore this morning. I don�t normally eat Twinkies since I was a kid and I was just craving the sweetness today although I only made it through 2 out of 4 in the package, I couldn�t handle the sweet anymore. And another thing, I am CRANKY as hell today�ugh!!! I now have all this energy today but I feel like I don�t know what to do with myself today. But I know that here at work I don�t feel like being around anyone!

I�m glad that my desk is kinda secluded. I don�t have to deal with people too much especially on days like this. Lately, people that I used to bullshit with all the time will see me and they tell me that I�ve become a recluse because I just hide in my corner. But, ya know with all the stress going on lately I actually like it this way right now. Plus I get so much more work done when no one is bothering me so much.

Although, Nick has a tendency of �bothering� me all the time and �babysitting� me I know he�s hating that I tell him EVERYTIME �Quit babysitting me, I don�t need a damn babysitter!� And he sees that I�m busy and he sits his ass down and just starts bullshitting, it�s like �dude, I don�t care right now� and then tries to tell me what to do as if he�s my boss and I keep telling him, �I have one boss and it isn�t you!� I had to say that to him today AGAIN right in front of my boss and my boss thought it was funny because my boss has told Nick, �you�re not her boss� all the time obviously it�s not sinking in to him because there are things that I have asked him to do and cc�ing my boss on the e-mail and Nick still doesn�t do it. It�s like talking to a brick wall! And he keeps asking me if I want to go work at the events center to be security for concerts, games, etc because he can get me a part time job there but he�s doing this because he wants to be my boss�well guess what, it isn�t happening!!! HELL NO!!! It would be a fun job but I don�t want to work with him in the evenings too. I would rather watch a dog take a shit then work with him more than 8 hours a day. It�s bad enough that I have to see him at 6:30 am! He waits for me when I get off work just to ride with me down the elevator, he�s always wanting me to go downstairs to get breakfast with him then he buys me breakfast and so I feel obligated to buy breakfast back. I can�t afford that right now�.I�m having a hard enough time just myself right now-thank God for Dan helping out. But Dan and I do it for each other all the time helping each other out.

I just can�t wait till I get my settlement! They are working on the demand package right now and it looks like the starting of asking will be at $65,000.00 if not more. I have plans for this settlement. Well for one my Grand-Am is getting paid off and it looks like I might pay off my Lumina too just so that I don�t have any car payments and my insurance will be less. And of course the Grand-Am will be getting sold. It�s actually up for sale right now. I�ll be giving my parents and Dan some money-I already have planned how much they will be getting. Pay my credit card bill off so that it won�t be maxed out, pay some if possible all the bills that are on my credit report and other debts that I have and Dan and I will be sitting down and investing some of it in the money market, cd�s and ira�s. And Dan and I talked about possibly taking a vacation after the New Year. We just haven�t� quite decided where yet. We started talking about it last night about Las Vegas but nothing is final right now. And of course I�ll be throwing a chunk of that money into savings as well and possibly moving into a 2 bedroom-that I�m still working on that decision if I still want to stay in the Condo�s that I�m at and just go back into a 2 bedroom there or if I want to move elsewhere into a house maybe or just buy one. So many decisions but I am moving though. LOL. I have soooo much stuff for one person it�s not even funny. I need more room for more stuff! Lol!!

Well, I guess I better get back to work, I have so much shit to do it�s not even funny! Hope you�re having a better day than me, and remember, STAY AWAY FROM THE STEROID SHOTS-WELL STEROIDS ALL TOGETHER!!! LOL!!! Blessed Be!

Much Love~

