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What a day!!

2003-05-01 @ 4:51 p.m.

What a day! The dentist, the eye dr, oil change for my car, etc...busy day...well, dr says that my eyes are healing very well and to just continue with the antibiotics, and I go back again on Monday. At the moment, my mouth is throbbing so bad from getting my teeth cleaned, and I only had one side done today. I'll have the other side done on the 20th.

Can't wait for tomorrow, Rue and I are hitting the's going to be fun and nice to just get away. We just need to get away from all the stress that we both have been under lately, and within the last few months.

I found out some pretty interesting news today about the guy that I am supposed to go out on a date with on Saturday...well, in my view, a liar, a cheater, loser and misleading!!! This girl that I know that works with him told me that he has a girlfriend who is still married and divorcing her husband to be with him, she has 4 kids, her and this guy B lives together in Parker with HER parents, and that he is supposed to be working Saturday night. She said that he will probably ask her to work the last 3 hours so that he can go out with me. Plus, he lied about his age. He didn't tell me about his girlfriend or anything, and also that he is about to lose his job. Why can't I meet anyone DECENT!!!??? And someone who is honest!? I just want someone that is decent, honest, caring and has a job of course!!! LOL. **sigh** My friend was telling me that I should play it out and then confront him...but, I don't know. As Rue said, at least I found out now before Saturday! This would have been the first date. So, who knows...we'll see.

Well, I'm going to take a nap before Rue gets here, we're gonna go hang out and try and win some cash...I hope that we do!!! :o)

Blessed Be!!

